Thursday, July 10, 2008


等待的感觉另人又期盼又渴望, 但是, 却又让人有种怕受伤害的感觉!!到底, 期待让人变得怎么样呢?现在的我, 真在期待考试的成绩会全部及格, 我很怕这种感觉, 但是, 我们却要面临无数次让人即期待却又怕的感觉!主啊, 请你守护着我, 让我通过这一次的考试, 好吗?昨晚, 好久不见的朋友打给我, 原因是我看到他, 他却没跟我打招呼, 后来打来跟我澄清, 好久没聊到这么痛快了, 我一直jio他,他让我一个人在吹大炮, 他让我丝毫不遮掩我的本性, 后来他告诉我说我并没该变, 讲话还是那么的牙尖嘴利, 我才恍然大误, 我还是以前的我, 时间的流逝, 让我差点儿变了另一个人!!到底成长的过程中会让一个人变得怎么样呢?谁能告诉我?

Sunday, July 6, 2008


‘姐, 可以帮我找回幸福吗?为什么幸福离我越来越远呢?
可以啊, 我一定会帮你找回幸福的!!
姐,你别骗我, 他曾经说过, 只要看我笑, 他就觉得幸福, 我骂他, 他也觉得幸福!!但是,现在呢, 他都没什么想跟我讲话, 为什么幸福离我越来越远呢?

这是我看一部新加坡戏的对白, 给我很大的感触, 无论以前或现在的幸福, 不代表你永远都幸福, 因为只要你一旦没把握好机会, 幸福不会停在你身边!!
幸福啊幸福, 你可不可以永远都不要离开我, 因为现在的我很幸福,但是以后呢, 却是个未知数。


好久好久没写我的部落格了,突然想写些自己的心情,前两天又去做工了, 卖hotlink sim pack, 还没做之前, 我还在想哪有那么容易卖啊, 会有人要买号码吗?无形中给我很大的压力, 但是我还是坚持做这份工, 原因也只是想赚些外快, 而且想累积一些社会经验, 之前我一天最多也只卖三片, 但上个礼拜我还卖了蛮多片的, 有了不错的成绩, 这个礼拜就再继续的做下去,想起昨天, 心情就低落了起来, 昨天碰了蛮多钉子, 有些人丝毫不想听你介绍, 就打发你走, 最让我心情跌入古底的是我看到一对年轻夫妇在公共电话旁打电话, 爸爸抱着他的婴孩, 我走过去想向他们介绍012, 但是那爸爸对我shhh了一声, 意思是叫我不要吵, 我即刻对他说了一声不好意思, 就走开了, 接下来我一直碰钉子, 眼看着其它人碌碌续续都卖了蛮多张, 我更加压力, 之后我去以前做工的店,我看到以前的同事, 眼泪就这样夺涌而出,也吓了他们一跳, 问我是不是被欺负, 后来阿妮跟我买了一张,是同情吗?我也不晓得,当真的蛮感谢她的,当我回去那间手机店时, 我才知道总共卖了二十多片, 而我只卖了一片 , 后来我再继续的问, 一样的结果(真的很累了, 我也没什么心情买了) 。 之后他们说可以收工了, 因为已经达到target了, 我们全部都可以提早放工了。 也好啊, 回家后都没什么心情, 晚上也一个人去教会, 听牧师说道, 才明白我们人活着的目的,我也会继续看标竿人生40天, 让我知道人生的目标!
听人们说, 压力就是动力, 但我的压力呢?我也不晓得!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Eastern DaY!!

Eastern Day is coming!!I go church early in the morning and the pastor asked everyone of us to bring an egg back later. Then my sis say her egg will stand, at first i do not believe it but after see through my own eyes, i feel surprise and also make an experiment on my egg but it fail!!huh...After reach home, i open my msn n chatting with mei vui. She date me to go cycling this evening. About 4pm, i reach her house and we go cycle around the desa pujut. At first, i feel nervous to cycle because i fell down before. Slowly, i can adjust myself to the surrounding area and we cycle to Pei Min's school, basketball court and also the housing area. When passing the basketball court, i saw many teenagers playing basketball. I dun dare cycle into the basketball area, but mv say 'cycle inside, cycle inside'. Suddenly, I heard the boys shhhhhhh on us and without noticing, i almost knock the car which parking there. I cant control myself and almost fell down as i want to dodge the car quickly. Luckily, i do not fall down and i quickly cycle away. What a shameful day!!!

These are the photo taken by me while my sis having her dinner!!!Is it cute??

Saturday, March 22, 2008

GooD FriDaY!!

21 of march is Good Friday. That night, i need to go for the Curtin youth fellowship. The gathering was start at 6.30 pm. (normally is 7.30pm). We pray and sing together before watch the movie "Passion of the Christ" . The movie is around two hour plus, so we sat silently to enjoy the movie. I cant control my tears when i saw Jesus was tortured by the Roman soldiers. WhY??i asked myself in my heart. Why are they so brutal??Why they want to torture Jesus until death??It was really a touching movie and i hope that if u believe in Jesus and never watch this movie before, u can try to watch it!!Sure you will have a different opinion about Jesus after u watch the movie.Below is the summary of the movie:

A depiction of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. The story opens in the Garden of Olives where Jesus has gone to pray after the Last Supper. Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the controversial Jesus--who has performed 'miracles' and has publicly announced that he is 'the Son of God'--is arrested and taken back within the city walls of Jerusalem. There, the leaders of the Pharisees confront him with accusations of blasphemy; subsequently, his trial results with the leaders condemning him to his death. Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, for his sentencing. Pilate listens to the accusations leveled at Jesus by the Pharisees. Realizing that his own decision will cause him to become embroiled in a political conflict, Pilate defers to King Herod in deciding the matter of how to persecute Jesus. However, Herod returns Jesus to Pilate who, in turn, gives the crowd a choice between which prisoner they would rather to see set free--Jesus, or Barrabas. The crowd chooses to have Barrabas set free. Thus, Jesus is handed over to the Roman soldiers and is brutally flagellated. Bloody and unrecognizable, he is brought back before Pilate who, once again, presents him to the thirsty crowd--assuming they will see that Jesus has been punished enough. The crowd, however, is not satisfied. Thus, Pilate washes his hands of the entire dilemma, ordering his men to do as the crowd wishes. Whipped and weakened, Jesus is presented with the cross and is ordered to carry it through the streets of Jerusalem, all the way up to Golgotha. There, more corporal cruelty takes place as Jesus is nailed to the cross--suffering, he hangs there, left to die. Initially, in his dazed suffering, Jesus is alarmed that he has been abandoned by God his father. He then beseeches God. At the moment of his death, nature itself over-turns.

About me!!!

Hello, this is my 1st time to write blog ah>>is just a normal and ordinary gal !!My life is damn boring, just studying, sleeping, chatting, eating and hanging out with friends. That's what i do in my daily life..By the way, i am just a gal who needs caring and love from friends and family. I love to gather with my friends and chit chat whatever topic that we like. Besides, I wish to travel around this world to surf for something that is new. Anyway, i am a very lucky girl, because i have my loving parents, siblings and also all those lovely friends who support me all the time!! That's all about me!!^^